Saturday, August 13, 2011

Effective Communication and Miscommunication

            To ensure effective communications we have to be conscious of the steps in the communications process.  These steps include sender/receiver, receiver/decoder, message, and channel or medium.  In the sender/receiver message the sender communicates a message.  The sender “bears the burden in this process, communicating not only the content of the message, but information about history and attitude toward the receiver” (Roebuck, 2006, p. 10).  In the receiver/decoder step the receiver encodes the message the way that they interpreted it based on their frame of reference, not necessarily the way the message was given. 
The message step “contains ideas expressed to other individuals” (Roebuck, 2006, p. 10).  It needs to be expressed in a way that it can be easily understood.  In the final step of channel/medium is when the message is relayed to the receiver.  There are several ways to do this including verbally or in other technical fashions (phone, e-mail, video meetings, etc.) but it is important to choose the best way to ensure the message is understood.
            Miscommunication can happen for a number of different reasons.  One is interference; this is when we draw a conclusion based on something that we observed although our conclusion may not have been the actual fact.  Another is nonverbal message that we my send.  Although we may be saying one thing, our actions may be saying another. 
Personality differences can also have a major impact on miscommunication.  Everyone has different personalities and different ways that they communicate.  It is important to realize that we cannot communicate to everyone in the same way and they we may need to adjust the way we communicate based on different personalities.


Roebuck, D. B. (2006). Improving Business Communication Skills. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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