Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Manager as a Speech Writer

            Managers often have to give speeches; both the formal and informal kind.  Most managers have the ability to know what message they need to get across to their audience and how they want to convey that message.  What they may not be great at is giving the speech in front of a large group of people.  In these cases, managers may help to write the speech and allow a true speaker to persuade the crowd.   
Writing a great speech is about having the right tools to aide in the process.  Content creation of a speech involves knowing five things; the purpose, the audience, the speaker, the time frame, and the setting.  The purpose of the speech is about finding the main point of the speech.  The writer must work with the speaker to ensure that they understand the strategic message. 
Knowing the audience is very important; the audience needs to be informed of the strategic message in an appropriate manner.  When writing the speech, it is very important for the writer to understand that they are not writing the speech for themselves but for the speaker.  The time frame is important to understand the amount of time that the speech should take up.  You do not want it to go on for too long or too short.  The last is the setting; the place to where the speech would take place. (Marsh, Guth, & Short, 2009, p. 93).


Marsh, C., Guth, D. W., & Short, B. P. (2009). Strategic Writing. Boston: Pearson .

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